Monday, March 28, 2011

Toasted Tortilla Chicken Enchilada (kid approved!)

I have been trying to figure out stuff that Carter would like to eat. Some friends sent me a great line of ideas and when I was browsing different recipes the other day I saw this and thought Carter might like it! It seemed super easy and worth a shot. I perhaps added a little more cheese than needed, and scraped a lot off when I gave it to Carter. They are called Oven cooked tortilla chicken enchiladas. Super simple! Don came home late that night from school and took it upon himself to eat all the remaining leftovers. So apparently they were good enough for a full grown man too (though, I think Don would eat just about anything... must be that lack of a Y chromosome...)

2 Burrito sized Tortillas
2 Chicken breasts
Sour Cream
1 Can Green Enchilada Sauce

1. Turn the oven on to 400F. After it is heated place 2 tortillas on a cookie sheet and place in the oven for about 10 mins, or until golden brown and crunchy.

2. Cook your 2 whole chicken breasts in a skillet until almost all white, then add your can of enchilada sauce. Slice into the thickest breast to see if it is cooked thoroughly, turn the heat down to a simmer and take your chicken and shred it - Placing the shredded pieces back into the skillet. Turn the temp back to medium and stir around all the chicken and sauce. After it is all well coated, take the skillet off the heat.

3. Spread sour cream over your now crispy tortillas (spread generously- then add the chicken evenly over the top. Sprinkle olives evenly, then add cheese.

4. Pop those yummy looking tortillas back in the oven for about 5 mins (until cheese is melted well) and TADA, you have a kid friendly meal! I used a pizza roller and sliced up the tortillas and Carter and I sat down to eat. When Don got home he smothered his in Salsa. Add whatever you would like. ENJOY!

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