Friday, February 25, 2011

"Macaroni Grill" BREAD! wow, wow and WOW

So have any of you been to the Macaroni Grill restaurant before? If you have then you are well aware of their delicious bread they serve with olive oil before your meal comes out. This is a warm, soft (yet crunchy) bread that makes your taste buds dance and your endorphins released. (yes, you really do feel happy with this bread! hehe) The recipe is very easy and makes two medium sized loaves. Let's get started before I drool too much....

1 Tbs of Dry active Yeast
1 Tbs Sugar
1 Cup Warm water (105-115F)
2.5 Cups of Flour
1 tsp Salt
2 Tbs Rosemary (I actually used about 4tbs)
1 Tbs Olive Oil
2 Tbs Butter or Margarine
Salt/Sea Salt

Turn the oven on to 200F (not for baking, just letting it warm)
Blend the yeast, water and sugar together and let sit for a few mins.

In a mixing bowl place 2 cups of the flour, salt and rosemary. Now add your yeast mixture and blend well. Slowly add the last half of flour to the mixture and knead into a soft and stretchy dough.

In another bowl pour in some olive oil and then place your dough ball in their - turning around to coat both sides. Now turn your oven off and place the bowl with dough in the oven covered with a towel. Let rise for about an hour, or until double in size.

After the dough has risen take it out of the bowl onto a cutting board and divide the dough into 2 equal parts. Don't worry, the dough will be pretty soggy from all the olive oil it sat in. No worries. Place some flour on your hands and punch/knead down again. Now shape the 2 little dough balls into a "loaf" and place next to each other on a cookie sheet/baking pan. Place back into the *off* oven to let rise for another 20-40 mins.
Take the dough out of the oven and turn it on to 450F. After the temperature has been reached stick your dough back in the oven for about 20-25 mins. My oven runs hot and by 20 mins they were pretty brown on top. The dough was not burnt, but I would like it a little less brown; so next time I am going to go for 18 or so mins. :) Just watch your bread!!

When down, *lightly browned and hollow sounding* transfer to a cooling rack and then dig in! I poured some olive oil into a bowl and adding Italian seasoning and some salt to it. YUM YUM YUM!
Big hit with my husband, mother and son!

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