This is the "Marbled Loaf" - which is kinda eye catching and impressive looking. It is made with a combination of white bread dough (divided in half) with molasses and whole wheat flour being added to the half. It is fun, and takes not much more time than a normal loaf of bread. Plus who can resist this delicious, warm snack? Whip out a cup of buter, mix a 1/4 cup of honey into it and go to town on this bad boy! Yummmmmm

3 to 3.5 Cups of all purpose flour
1 pkg active dry yeast (I use the jar, scoop 1 Tbs)
1.5 Cups Milk
2 Tbs Sugar
2Tbs Cooking Oil
1.5 tsp salt
2 Tbs Dark-flavored Molasses
1 and 1/4 Cup Whole Wheat flour (or you can try rye)
1. In a large maxing bowl combine 2 cups of the all purpose flour and the yeast. In a saucepan heat milk, sugar, oil and salt just to warm (120-130F). Add milk moxture of flour mixture. Beat with an electric mixer on low to medium speed for 30 seconds, scraping bowl constantly. beat on high speed for 3 mins.
(((((truth to be told, I NEVER do this. haha - I do everything by hand, stirring slow and vigorously for about 1 min. with an over sized fork)))))
2. Divide batter in half. (okay, so I made this probably harder than it needed to be, but I really wanted to measure half of the batter) So I poured everything into a glass measuring cup (large 4 cup type size) and then divided it up from there. I believe it always comes out of be 2 cups worth total. So to save you time, just dip out 1 cup of your batter into another bowl. No need for extra measuring....because I am just that nice, and did the work for you. :D
3. To 1 portion of batter, stir in as much of the remaining all purpose flour as you can. (**START SLOW!**) Knead in enough of the flour to make a moderately stiff dough that is smooth and elastic. Shape into a ball and place in a greased bowl, turning around to grease the surfaces. Cover and allow to rise in a warm dry place.
4. To other portion of batter stir in molasses, and wheat flour -- and then any extra white flour to make it a moderately stiff, smooth and elastic dough as well. Now do same as above, -- shape into a ball, put in a greased bowl and allow to rise. (1-1.5 hours to rise...go do something productive while you wait! :)

6. On a lightly floured surface roll each dough portion into an approximate 12x8 inch rectangle. Place dark dough on top of light dough. Roll up and place seam side down into loaf pan. Cover and let rise until nearly double (30-40 mins....get back to being productive!)

7. Bake into a preheated 375F oven for 30-35 mins or until bread sounds hollow when lightly tapped. If you notice the bread getting too brown for your liking cover the top loosely with tin foil. When done immediately remove from pan and cool on a wire rack.
Fantastic Job Y'all! Now go mix your butter and honey and indulge!!! Yummmmy~

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