Okay, so this might be gross to some...possible many...okay, ALL who reads - but, if it's any reconciliation to ya, this is totally ediable, non toxic, clean and surprisingly scrumptious. As well as a hilarious Halloween dessert. Which is what we made it for, of course! October 2010 Halloween party. The "CAT LITTER CAKE"!!
Okay, to start -> Don't use your cats litter box. Plain and simple. Go, and buy a new one - clean it, wash it out, etc. ...as well as a clean, never before used, spank'n brand new cat litter pooper scooper.
Now for the recipe. Very very simple:
5-10 tootsie rolls
1 chocolate or German chocolate cake
1 white or yellow cake
(bake in cake pans according to box directions - let cool)Mix up about 2 packages of vanilla pudding - set aside.
Take a whole box of vanilla wafers and food process till nice and fine.
Take about a 1/4 or 3rd of the processed wafers and put them in a little zip-lock bag. Add a few drops of blue or green food coloring. This will be your colored kitty little granules.
Now take your two cakes and start digging your
*clean* hands into them and transferring equal amounts of the cakes into the
*NEW* cat litter box. Thus creating a fluffy mixture of chocolate and white/yellow cake. Now take your pudding and start adding it to the cat box with the cakes. Mix around to desired texture - you want enough to make the cake moist and stick together well. Pat down and even throughout the box. After everything is leveled and even take your non-colored vanilla wafers and sprinkle those over the entire cake mixture. You want to cover the surface evenly. Now take the colored wafers and sprinkle those across the other wafers. You're almost done!
Now unwrap some tootsie rolls and put them in a microwave safe container. Heat up just for a few seconds - allowing them to get soft and pliable - not melted (unless you are trying to achieve a
"certain" look in your cat box) Take your now soft tootsie rolls and be creative! Squish, pull, shorten, elongate, bury, half-bury, stick to side...WHATEVER you desire.
(not recommended, but if needs be: go check your cats real litter box if you need authentic ideas) and POOF! You now have a disgusting, gag-reflexing treat to share with whomever you feel can muster such a delicacy.
Oh yes, and place the *NEW* pooper-scooper in the box to dish the treat out with. Gives it that nice finishing touch.
We had to take a picture with our cat "sniffing" the treat to make it that much more , uhhh, real? :-D